life members
There have been many wonderful people, both men and women, who have contributed to the development of the club since its inception in 1972 to the current day. Some of these people were bestowed with Life Membership due to their outstanding and dedicated service.
It’s apparent that those recipients of the award either played significant roles at critical times during the club’s history, served very long terms on the executive committee or general committee or were very active members of the volunteer work force for many years. Some of these Life Members were active in each of those roles.
These are people who guided the club through those difficult formative years and then through the challenges that came in the form of droughts, floods, financial setbacks and negotiations with government and council.
The Barwon Valley Golf Club has bestowed the coveted LIFE MEMBER AWARD to fourteen recipients over the past 40 years.
In appointed order they are Bill Perrett (deceased), Neil Huggins (deceased), Frank Wilton (deceased), Joan Nolan (deceased), John Long, Leon McNamara (deceased), Brian Robins, Robert Trickey, Brenda Hurst, Janet Oman, Kevin Hussey , Ian Knell, John Davie (deceased), Brenda Carmody.
Bill Perrett
Brenda Carmody
Brenda Hurst
Brian Robins
Frank Wilton
Ian Knell
Janet Oman
Joan Nolan
John Davies
John Long
Kevin Hussey
Leon McNamara
Neil Huggins
Robert Trickey